Georgia Goal

Pay income taxes to the state of Georgia
Provide scholarships to public school, Pre-K4 and kindergarten students to attend Curtis Baptist School
- HB1133 is a 2008 Georgia law that grants an income tax credit to individuals and corporations who contribute to qualified student scholarship organizations (SSOs) such as the Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program (GOAL)
- The passage of HB 1133 was an incredible victory for the school choice movement and your participation in the program is critical to make this victory a meaningful one
How much can you contribute?
- Individuals: contribute up to $2,500
- Married couples filing jointly: contribute up to $5,000
- Married couples filing separately: contribute up to $2,500
- “C” Corporations: contribute up to 75% of Georgia income tax liability
- S Corporation shareholders and LLC members are limited to the individual tax credit limitations
- Contributions result in a corresponding Georgia income tax credit, not a mere tax deduction
A simple two step process
- Contribute to GOAL – Send the following items directly to Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program at Five Concourse Parkway, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30328.
A. A completed Georgia Form IT-QEE-TP1 for filing with the Georgia Department of Revenue (this form can be downloaded from the GOAL website)
B. A check made payable to “Georgia GOAL Scholarship Program” in the amount of your contribution (this check will be deposited only when GOAL receives your Form IT-QEE-TP1 as approved by the DOR) - Claim the Credit
A. GOAL will send you a Form IT-QEE-SSO1 contribution acknowledgement form
B. GOAL will also make available detailed instructions for how to claim the credit on your Georgia income tax return at tax timeGeorgia GOAL Scholarship Program, Inc.
How are the contributions obligated?
- Curtis Baptist School has entered into an Agreement with GOAL that will benefit qualified students entering Curtis Baptist School
- While HB1133 requires that at least 90% of designated contributions be obligated for scholarships at Curtis Baptist School, GOAL obligates 93% of the designated contributions for scholarships
- GOAL uses the designated funds and investment earnings on those funds to provide scholarships to applicants recommended by Curtis Baptist School
- Curtis Baptist School officials recommend potential scholarship recipients and the amount of the GOAL Scholarships they will receive
- Each quarter, GOAL sends a report to Curtis Baptist School setting forth the starting designated account balance, the amount of new designated contributions, scholarship payments, designated account net income, and a list of contributorsGeorgia GOAL Scholarship Program, Inc. 6
Who qualifies for scholarships?
- By law, the scholarships are only available to public school students who are transferring to Curtis Baptist School or who are eligible to enter Pre-K4 or kindergarten
- Because only $50 million of tax credits are available each year, GOAL is encouraging its participating schools to recommend low- and middle-income students for GOAL Scholarships according to voluntary guidelines
- However, participating schools may submit any reasonable scholarship recommendations beyond the voluntary guidelines
- The GOAL scholarship is awarded for the entire duration of the student’s attendance and good standing at Curtis Baptist School and varies in amount each year based on need, the availability of funds, and Curtis Baptist School recommendations
- Curtis Baptist School admissions and financial aid officials may make scholarship recommendations to GOAL throughout each school yearGeorgia GOAL Scholarship Program, Inc. 7
Frequently asked questions
- There are currently 91 GOAL Participating Schools throughout Georgia
- Each is responsible for educating its parents, faculty and staff, businesses, and other supporters about the ability to redirect Georgia income taxes to GOAL for the provision of scholarships
- Contributions to GOAL are merely the re-direction of dollars that would otherwise be paid to Georgia for income taxes – so these contributions should NOT replace your contribution to the Curtis Baptist School Annual Fund
- To ensure that funds are available for contributions to GOAL, those intending to contribute may choose to have less Georgia income taxes withheld from their paychecks
- Jennifer Jones at Curtis Baptist School will be able to answer all of your questions and provide copies of all of the forms relating to this opportunity