Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Growth
Curtis Baptist School is a ministry of Curtis Baptist Church. We are very thankful to be under the umbrella of a church that reaches out into the community and has a heart for the next generation.
- Spiritual growth in the lives of our students is encouraged through daily Bible class from K-12th Grades including memory verses, growth in Bible knowledge, and personal relationship with God.
- Weekly Chapel: Tuesday mornings for Elementary Students, Thursdays for Middle and High School students
- Teachers who themselves are believers in Christ and pray for their students.
- Outreach opportunities in the community to work alongside local faith-based ministries.
- Annual See you at the Pole Rally
- Spiritual Retreat at the beginning of each year for High School students.
CBS Mission Statement:
To infuse a Biblical worldview in all areas of academics, fine arts, and athletics; developing bold and devoted followers of Jesus Christ.