Financial Aid
Financial Aid
Financial Aid FAQs
Before I apply can I find out what amount of financial aid (FA) I can expect? The full amount of tuition per grade is listed on the tuition and fee schedule. You can apply for financial aid while your application for enrollment is in process. You will be informed of the amount once the FA application is complete and all tax documents have been received. You do not have to be accepted prior to applying for financial aid. If you receive FA, you will not receive tuition discounts.
Is FA guaranteed for the entire time that my child is at Curtis Baptist School? Financial aid is evaluated on an annual basis and is not guaranteed. Every family must resubmit financial aid documents each year. A student will be eligible for financial aid renewal based on family income AND grades and conduct, as well as tardies, absences, and adherence to our Student/Parent Handbook.
Is my application fee refundable if my child is not accepted or if I change my mind about coming to CBS? Application fees for financial aid and enrollment are non-refundable. Make note of the minimum standards for acceptance as well as the financial investment that is required.
I am unemployed and have no source of income? It is important that every parent be invested in their child’s education therefore no financial aid award will cover 100% of tuition. If you have no source of income, you need to determine who will be assuming responsibility for tuition and other expenses.
I am a single parent. Will the income of the other parent be needed to determine financial aid? You will need to submit the 1040 tax return and 2 pay stubs of the person who claims the child on their income tax.
I have not/do not file a tax return. What will I need to submit? You will need to turn in all documents substantiating your income: W-2, 2 paystubs, child support letter, TANF, or SSI. You will also need to sign a disclaimer that is legally binding stating that you did not file a tax return.
I have remarried and my current spouse is not the parent of my children. What do I need to turn in? You will need to submit forms reflecting the income of all wage earners in the household
What other fees will there be before my student can be enrolled?
Other fees not covered by financial aid will include but are not limited to lunch, after-care, athletic fees, field trips, the development fee, and spirit wear.
When is the first tuition payment due?
The first tuition payment is due in June (12 monthly payments), or August (10 payments). If your child is a new student then we suggest you pay the registration fee and start payments as soon as possible upon acceptance. Your child’s spot in the class will be secured ONLY upon receipt of the registration fee.
How do I apply for financial aid?
Follow the link on the CBS website ( under the tuition assistance page to create an account and submit your financial information to the Financial Aid Committee. There is a $45 non-refundable fee to submit this information. The deadline for FA application is July 31; applying earlier will allow you to get started on payments earlier which will be to your benefit.
How will I make tuition payments?
We partner with FACTS to offer you online tuition management. After your student has been accepted to CBS, sign up for the tuition payment plan, log into your RenWeb account, under the “Family Information” tab you will select the “Tuition Plan Sign Up” and follow the prompts. (Rev. 12/20/19)
The portal is currently open and will remain open until August 15, 2025.
FACTS Financial Aid Application